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Did You Know:
1 in 2 Adults
Have Gum Disease

Gum Disease
Complicates Co-Existing
Medical Conditions

HealthyGumz is on a mission to reduce
gum disease, one patient at a time!

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unhealthy tooth
loose tooth

Wait, so what is gum disease?

Often referred to as “Periodontitis”, gum disease is a common type of oral infection that affects the gum and bone tissues responsible for supporting your teeth. It initially starts out as gum inflammation, a.k.a. Gingivitis, which will progress to Periodontitis if not addressed in a timely manner. 

The word periodontal refers to “perio-” (around) the “-dont”(tooth). That is, the infection isn’t inside of the tooth itself, but rather encircles it by causing the damage to bone and gingival (gum) tissues immediately adjacent to it. 

There is a strong relationship between your mouth and internal organs.

Clinical studies show an oral-systemic link between periodontal disease and a higher risk of medical complications. 

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to Gum Disease

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