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Can Periodontitis be Reversed?

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. But can it be reversed? Understanding the stages of disease, how they affect your teeth, and which types of treatments are available can help you save your smile before it’s too late. 

If caught early enough, the beginning stages of gum disease can be completely reversed. But waiting too long to seek professional treatment can result in permanent gum and bone deterioration. 

Stages of Periodontal Disease

Gingivitis — This is the earliest stage of gum disease. It is also 100% reversible. Symptoms include swollen, tender, bleeding gumlines. 

Mild to Moderate Periodontal Disease — Untreated gingivitis will lead to permanent detachment of gum tissues and bone surrounding the teeth. Tartar buildup, extensive swelling, halitosis, and bleeding are likely. “Pockets” up to 4-6 millimeters under the gums will start to appear. This stage of disease is manageable with specialized care.

Advanced Gum Disease — Aggressive periodontal infections lead to severe bone loss, resulting in tooth mobility and loss of teeth. Pockets of 7mm or deeper are present. Food typically gets caught between teeth when you eat. Periodontal surgery, laser therapy, or grafting may be required to halt further advancement of the disease. 

Not Sure Which Stage You’re In?Without a periodontal exam, most people will never realize they have moderate to severe gum disease until it’s too late. If you have symptoms of bleeding gums that don’t improve with dedicated brushing and flossing, you likely have something more than basic gingivitis. Seek out a professional evaluation and periodontal screening as soon as possible. 

Why Your Oral Hygiene Matters

Long-term habits tend to impact the development of gum disease the most. Everyday flossing, for example, can significantly reduce your risk of chronic gingivitis. As such, it’s one of the best ways to reverse minor symptoms and prevent the onset of severe periodontal infection. 

Depending on what stage of disease you have, your daily oral hygiene habits (including both brushing and flossing) will play a crucial role in avoiding further progression of infection. Especially when paired with professional dental care. Unfortunately brushing and flossing alone cannot treat nor reverse a severe gum infection. Nor can a deep cleaning without changes in your oral hygiene habits. They must be paired together in order for treatment to be successful. 

How a Periodontist Can Help

Periodontists are ADA-recognized gum health experts. They specialize in treating periodontal diseases and managing tissue loss to help combat damage to teeth. 

If you suspect that you have gum disease, a periodontist will use a special measuring tool to assess gum attachment levels around the roots of your teeth. Depending on the severity of detachment and corresponding bone loss, there will be a choice of specialized treatments that they can offer. 

Are you experiencing symptoms of chronic gingivitis? Not seeing improvement in your gum health with normal brushing and flossing? Schedule an appointment with a periodontist for a gum screening to find out how they can help.

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