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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is linked to millions of deaths each year (it accounts for as many as 45% of deaths in places like Europe.) In the United States, it’s estimated that one person dies every 36 seconds from heart disease, making it responsible for about 1 in every 4 deaths.
CVD includes a wide range of conditions including stroke, hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease. 

CVD occurs as plaque accumulates inside of a person’s blood vessels, blocking circulation and blood flow to vital organs like their brain and heart. 

How the Two are Related

It’s generally thought that oral bacteria associated with periodontal disease can be disrupted and spread directly into the bloodstream. This transmission process is likely to occur due to the increased amount of bleeding and tissue detachment directly surrounding infected teeth. 

As a result, it’s possible for those dental plaque colonies to move from the mouth and become lodged within blood vessels throughout the body, brain, and heart. 

If you’re someone who is already prone to gum disease and have a family history of CVD, preventative care is essential. The ultimate goal is to eradicate dental plaque bacteria before it adds to the strain on your immune system and spreads into your blood supply (and transferred elsewhere in your body.)

How Gum Treatments Can Help

Treatments for periodontal disease as well as routine dental cleanings show a direct correlation between improved oral health and reduction in the risk of cardiovascular incidents, such as stroke. Even improving your home oral hygiene routine each day can potentially reduce the incidence of CVD. 

Improvements in cardiovascular health can be observed in as quickly as 3 months following periodontal therapy. If you have already been diagnosed with CVD, investing in your oral wellness can potentially prevent your chances of suffering from a stroke or heart attack. 

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