What to Expect When You're Expecting: Pregnancy Gingivitis

Pregnancy gingivitis, also known as gum inflammation, is a common condition that occurs during pregnancy and causes excessive inflammation and irritation of the gum tissue. While anyone can suffer from gingivitis, pregnant women are especially at risk due to the changing levels of hormones. It's crucial to note that while gingivitis is often caused by poor oral hygiene, such as improper brushing and flossing, pregnancy gingivitis is typically attributed to changes in hormones. This underscores the importance of maintaining good oral health during pregnancy.

How Hormones Affect Gum Health 

The specific hormones responsible for pregnancy gingivitis include estrogen and progesterone. When their levels change, these hormones cani ncrease blood flow, causing swelling and a greater likelihood of bleeding more easily. Moreover, changing hormones during pregnancy can alter the oral environment, allowing different bacteria to thrive or grow in the oral cavity, further exacerbating the condition. 

Nausea and Vomiting  

Morning sickness is common during the early stages of pregnancy. Due to changing hormone levels, many women experience nausea and vomiting. This increased amount of acid from the stomach into the oral cavity can cause an acidic environment that can change bacteria levels. When bacteria levels change in the oral cavity, especially in a more acidic environment, bacteria that are harmful to gum health can grow quickly.

A woman who experiences morning sickness may also be more likely to brush and floss their teeth less due to an increased gag response. However, there are ways to manage this. For instance, using a smaller toothbrush or a toothbrush with a smaller head can help reduce the gag reflex. Additionally, rinsing with a mild, alcohol-free mouthwash can also be beneficial. These measures can help prevent the buildup of plaque bacteria, which can cause the gum tissue to become more inflamed over time.

Helpful Ways to Combat Pregnancy Gingivitis 

Be sure to inform your dental provider if you are expecting. This will help them to help guide you through your oral health care during pregnancy and after. Patients can expect possible recommendations from their dental providers, such as anti-gingivitis toothpaste and mouthwash.