Smoking: How It Affects Your Periodontal Health

Smoking is a major factor when it comes to your periodontal health. Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of gum disease, a condition that affects millions of people around the world. Smoking can not only increase your risk of developing gum disease, but it can also make it more difficult to recognize the warning signs, allowing the infection to become more aggressive.

Risks of Smoking: Gum Health

Tobacco use is one of the leading risk factors for periodontal disease. Studies have shown that smokers are up to seven times more likely to develop some form of periodontal infection than non-smokers. Tobacco has been proven to reduce the body's ability to fight off bacterial infections, making it easier for periodontal diseases like gingivitis to take hold and spread throughout the mouth. Additionally, smoking can reduce the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream and soft tissues, leading to slower healing times and making it more difficult for your gums to recover from any damage or infection.

It's Difficult to Spot Symptoms of Gum Disease

For smokers, periodontal disease may be difficult to detect, as the traditional warning signs are often absent. Even when an individual is able to recognize their own symptoms of gum disease, these symptoms may be significantly milder than those of a non-smoker. This can be attributed to the fact that smoking reduces blood flow to the gums and hinders the body's natural healing process. Their infection may become extremely severe without them ever realizing it. As such, it's incredibly important for smokers to be aware of the possibility of periodontal disease and to see their dentist for routine screenings. can

The Consequences of Smoking on Your Smile

It's easy to overlook the effect smoking has on your oral health, however, it can have a tremendous impact on your future dental condition. Smokers are more likely to develop periodontal disease, leading to loss of teeth and infection. All too often, smoking masks the warning signs most people are told to watch out for. If you’re a smoker, you should consider giving up this habit for the sake of your smile and oral health.