Oral Health During Cold and Flu Season

It's December, and that means lots of sniffling, coughing, and sneezing going around. While many of us know how to manage our cold and flu symptoms properly, we may not be as familiar with how these illnesses can affect our oral health.

The Common Cold

The common cold virus often presents with typical symptoms such as headache, cough, congestion, sore throat, and general fatigue. While rest and staying hydrated are important to ensure your body can fight the virus as efficiently as possible, there are also oral health concerns that should betaken care of. During a cold, your teeth can become hypersensitive, as well as an increase in dry mouth due to mouth breathing from congested airways. This can require the use of fluoride toothpaste and/or an alcohol-free mouthwash to combat these symptoms. Warm salt-water gargling may also benefit those who are experiencing a dry or sore throat. Ensuring you stay on top of your oral hygiene routines brushing and flossing daily is important to keep bacteria at bay and reduce overgrowth.

The Flu

The flu, also known as influenza, is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms of the flu can vary for those affected.Some may feel like a cold, and others can feel much worse, such as severe fatigue, fever, and muscle pains. It’s common for those suffering from the flu to slack on oral hygiene, as it can be difficult to have the energy for self-care. Some individuals report a general ache in their mouth, likely from the sinus pressures put on teeth from inflammation in the body. Dry mouth is another common occurrence due to congestion. For those who may struggle with brushing, staying hydrated, and/or using dry mouth, lozenges that combat dry mouth are sugar-free and can be a good start to helping manage oral health during influenza infection.